Ethical Decision Making

This kind of decision making is based in three main principles: commitment, consciousness, and competency. Being committed is to have the desire to do the right thing no matter what. Thinking consciously is being aware to act the same and have strong morals each day. Being competent is the ability to gather and analyze information, create alternatives, and envisioning all potential consequences and risks.

Our Process

To help businesses, we use this model. It helps get a clearer understanding of how ethical decisions are made. Breaking it down even further makes it easier.


The three inputs: Context/Facts, Stakeholders, and Decision Makers are were we start. All influence the final decision. Context/Facts are like the evidence; they cannot be disputed. Stakeholders are who is going to be affected by the final choice; their opinions need to be taken into account. Decision Makers (you), are who need to choose the option that is most beneficial to everyone while doing what’s right. 


After bringing together the inputs, you’re left with at least two options. They will both have pros and cons, so it is our and your job to help pick the best one for everyone involved. 

Final Decision

Making the final decision may take some time, and that’s okay. Ensuring that your choice is the best choice isn’t something to be rushed.